Forseti Consulting
Investigative, Criminal & Legal Psychology Services
Forseti Consulting is a first of its kind in India that provides legal psychological tools to aid investigations in the form of trainings, consultations and assessments to law enforcement agents, government entities, national security agencies, and corporate security organizations
Dr. Meghana Srivatsav is an independent Criminal and Legal Psychology Consultant. She has a dual PhD in Legal Psychology from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and the University of Portsmouth (UK), which was fully funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Fellowship under the aegis of the House of Legal Psychology. She specialises in suspect interrogations, investigative interviewing, and counter-terrorism interviewing.
She is striving to move legal systems away from practicing physically and psychologically coercive techniques during investigations, and towards humane and ethical practices. She provides her expertise to existing professionals through training programmes and consultations in cases. She also wants to improve the academic quality of the legal psychological sciences in universities by introducing a curriculum that combines research and practical aspects of the field of study.
Consulting and training
Investigative interviewing and Human Intelligence gathering move away from confrontational interrogation tactics and towards information gathering, using strategic interviewing tactics. The aim is to gather reliable information without wrongfully convicting the innocent, ensuring justice to the victim and the society-at-large. Forseti Consulting is uniquely equipped to provide trainings and consultations to law enforcement entities.
Credibility assessment is the process of ascertaining the truth. The need for credibility assessments is high in situations such as child sexual abuse, claims of innocence from a suspect, eyewitness statements, etc. Forseti Consulting provides credibility assessment reports and consultations to security, law enforcement and corporate security agencies
Well - Being Programs
Forseti Consulting offers psychological welfare programmes to deal with life stressors and trauma. These programmes are designed to help manage stressors, deal with hardships and find healthy coping mechanisms. We also offer mental health programmes for law enforcement agents, and rehabilitation facilities for prison inmates in order to mitigate reoffending post-release, and focus on community re-engagement.
Testimonies and Reports
Forseti Consulting provides expert witness reports and testimonies regarding the use, reliability and validity of forensic psychological investigative methods in order to aid the decision-making process in courts.
Consulting and Training
Threat assessment is used to evaluate the potential of an individual to pose as a risk to an organisation or society. Risks include but are not limited to bullying, stalking, workplace violence, cyber crimes, and reoffending post release. Assessing these risks will mitigate potential danger and enhance organizational and societal safety. Forseti Consulting assists organisations with these assessments.
Legal Psychological Sciences
Forseti Consulting aims to increase the scope for academic research in the field of Legal, Criminal, Forensic and Investigative Psychology. Equipped with excellent academic and professional training in the field, the founder promotes Open Science and Open Access research. We encourage collaborations to support and promote academic research of the highest quality.
JP Nagar Third Phase, Bangalore 560078MON - FRI : 10:00 - 19:00
SAT - Closed
SUN - Closed
© 2023. Dr. Meghana Srivatsav